Come, Believe, Follow: The Gospel of John

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If you are looking for a devotional study that is rooted and grounded in the Scriptures, then this is for you. Come, Believe, Follow: The Gospel of John is a study of John that saturates the reader in the Scriptures, not the opinions of men.

Come, Believe, Follow

Have you read the Bible for yourself? How confident are you in your understanding of the content of the Scriptures? Can you explain what the Bible teaches to others?

I’ve asked these questions to hundreds of people over the years. I’ve asked it to both Christians and non-Christians. The overwhelming majority of people that I’ve spoken to have revealed that they haven’t really read the Bible for themselves. Not all of it. Most people have read parts. Most rely on what they’ve heard from others about the teaching of Scripture.

For those who have read the whole Bible, the number of times they’ve read it can usually be counted on one hand. If they’ve read it, they often aren’t comfortable enough to teach and explain what the Bible says to others. Certainly, there are exceptions.

If you don’t know what the Bible actually says, then how can you be equipped to navigate the teaching of others about the Bible?

Jesus warned His followers:

“Many false prophets will arise and will mislead many.” (Matthew 24:11)

The Apostle John likewise warned Christians:

“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.” (1 John 4:1)

Many solutions have been offered. Read this book or that book. However, these shortcuts always require us to take the author’s word for it. What if their teaching is false? What if the picture of God they are painting is distorted?

How will you know unless you’ve read God’s Word for yourself?

The solution is simple. You must actually read God’s Word — every word of it — for yourself. Over and over. (If you do want to read the whole Bible, not just the Gospel of John, we’ve got a resource for you linked here as well.)

Unfortunately, this solution is intimidating for many. They don’t know where to start. They don’t know how to proceed. What they need is a plan. A blueprint. They need a guide who’s been through it before. Who can lead the way. And who will be with them every step of the way.

That’s why this book was written.

Redefining the “Devotional”

Come, Believe, Follow is a devotional. But it’s not like other devotionals. Instead of giving you a tiny little sip of God’s Word, or some little cutesy anecdotes, this devotional actually asks you to devote yourself to the study of God’s Word. To dig in. To devote yourself to discussing it with your family or your group. To grow together in your understanding of both the content and teaching of God’s Word.

This book is an attempt to re-define the devotional genre entirely.

Instead of simply telling you what John is about, Come, Believe, Follow will help you walk through John’s Gospel on your own and with whomever is interested in devoting themselves to study God’s word together with you.

Come, Believe, Follow covers the entire book of John. Included are 30 lessons. Each lesson also includes a section called Going Deeper for those who want to take their study to an even greater depth.

It won’t simply tell you all the answers. But it will give you a plan. It will give you options if you want to continue your study even further.

And, it will point out many important observations from a pastor who has devoted himself to reading the Bible cover-to-cover over and over again, and who has had the great opportunity to also teach through the entire Bible in the small group setting with individuals and groups of people interested in finally reading the entire Bible for themselves.

It has always been fruitful. Every. Time.

The Gospel of John is a great place to get started.

The Blueprint

Come, Believe, Follow gives you a blueprint to knowing the Gospel of John better. As a result, you’ll know Jesus better.

If you’ve ever felt intimidated about studying the Bible on your own, or if you are sick of Bible studies that study everything other than the Bible, then get your copy of Come, Believe, Follow today. Use it with your group to actually feast on the Gospel of John. Then put what you learn into practice as you walk more intimately with the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Buy your copy today from Amazon. Available in both Kindle and in printed formats.


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