Every Word: Read Your Bible in 90 Days

How Christians Just Like You Can Finally Read Their Bible Cover-To-Cover (WITH UNDERSTANDING) in Just 90 Days!

My name is Joe Kohler and I am one of the co-founders of TheExaltedChrist.com.

I currently serve as the pastor of Howell Bible Church, which we helped plant in 2014. I have served in full-time Christian leadership in both the local church and non-profit parachurch ministry contexts since 2010.

One of my greatest joys as a pastor is seeing people grow in their knowledge of the Bible. I have been blessed to be able to study the Bible in community with others who are passionate about growing in their personal Bible knowledge so we can walk closer with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, together.

I’ve been in leadership long enough to know that this growth is easier for some people than for others. My heart is grieved to hear testimonies from Christians who have a desire to read their Bible but have been discouraged, for whatever reason, in their attempts to read and understand the Bible on their own.

I wrote Every Word: Read Your Bible in 90 Days to be a resource to help those who have been frustrated in the past by the pursuit of reading their Bible for themselves and understanding what they are reading.

I am so thankful for the teachers I had when I first began to study the Bible. I was blessed to have Christians in my life who were passionate about learning the Bible and who were further along in their growth.

They were able to help me in my journey of learning the Bible by walking with me, pointing out important things to take note of, and answering questions I had along the way. These faithful Christians helped to supercharge my growth in understanding because of their investment in me and their willingness to walk with me on the way.

Now that I’ve been walking with the Lord a while, I am fortunate to be able to do this same thing for those Christians who are starting on their journey of reading the Bible on their own. In the local church setting, I truly love meeting with fellow Christians and discussing these things in person.

However, I know I can’t do this with everyone. I’m just one person. So, I wrote Every Word to be able to duplicate this process. I created an outline and a blueprint that I’ve followed with many Christians in person to be used by others that I can’t meet with on a daily or weekly basis.

Why should you get Every Word? What is the benefit of adding more reading and another book when all you really need to accomplish this goal is your own Bible?

I can give you a proven plan to succeed that I’ve seen work for Christians just like you. In this book, I’ll be with you every step of the way to point out important things that you may have missed. I can do this because I’ve read through the Bible on my own, and with others, nearly a hundred times.

I can also provide accountability by simply providing the outline and plan and giving you a timeframe. Of course, only you can do the work of actually picking up your Bible every day and reading it.

There are a ton of different Bible reading plans out there. Why 90 days?

Longer plans are theoretically easier to handle in the daily reading sections. However, by the time you finish Revelation, you’ve most likely forgotten everything from Genesis.

Long plans are too slow to gain a clear understanding of the big picture. There is a time and place for slow reading and deep study of individual passages and chapters. However, if you’re looking to understand the Bible as a whole you’ll want to pick up the pace.

Think of watching 5 minutes of a movie each day. You’ll watch a regular movie in a month… and likely won’t understand what the movie was about by the end.

Plus, a lot of people fall off the plan because they think they can catch up if they miss a few days. Unfortunately, for many people the missed days pile up and a lot of people never actually finish.

Faster plans can be beneficial for some. However, 30-day or 60-day plans are not well-suited for everyone. The daily time commitment for reading on these plans is usually 3+ hours. That’s simply too much reading for many people per day and can sabotage your success before you even get started.

The 90-Day plan presented in Every Word hits the sweet spot for most Christians. It is a stretch for most at first, but it builds good habits. It requires a time commitment that is reasonable, but you may need to commit to turning off the TV or slowing down on your social media consumption to find the time in your schedule. It is also enough reading to discourage skipping any days with the idea that you’ll just make up for it tomorrow.

If you’ll stick to this plan, if you’ll consider the notes and themes I point out along the way, I guarantee you’ll know the Bible better at the end. I also assure you that you’ll have built good habits, that if you continue to stick to this pace, you’ll quickly grow in your personal understanding of God’s Word.

If you’re ready, let’s get started. Click the link to order your copy of Every Word: Read Your Bible in 90 Days from Amazon today.

What Do You Get in Every Word?

Inside you will find:

  • A proven 90-day reading schedule which covers every word of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.

    • These sections are broken up into daily reading sections that make sense.

    • These sensible sections help with comprehension and retention of the biblical material.

  • Every main section of the Bible has its own introduction to get you in the right mindset for the reading to come.

  • Every daily reading section has key points to review. This ensures that you’re understanding the main themes of the daily readings.

  • After the completion of every individual book of the Bible, there is a review to reinforce and remind the main points covered so far.

  • SPECIAL BONUS #1 — Along the way, there will be special encouragements to help keep you motivated in your reading journey.

  • SPECIAL BONUS #2 — There is a subject index included at the end of the book for quick reference and study.

Don’t Wait - Get Started Today!

— Jesus (Matthew 4:4)

Most Christians know that reading the Bible for themselves is important. Yet, many Christians have struggled to read every word.

Some have read their Bible cover to cover but lament that they struggled to understand what they were reading. Or, they don’t remember much of what they read. They fail to see the big picture.

Bible reading plans come and go. Some plans skip large sections of Scripture. Other plans simply provide a schedule, with no support, accountability, or encouragement. Just like with physical exercise programs, many well-intentioned people struggle to complete the course. They give up in frustration. Some who do complete the course don’t really see the results they were hoping for.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

Every Word is different. It's like a personal trainer for your spiritual goal to finally read your Bible cover to cover with understanding.

No more excuses. You can read the Bible for yourself. You can understand what it teaches. And, you don't have to do it alone. Every Word can help you reach your goal of knowing what the Bible actually says, no longer just trusting what other people tell you that it says.

Let's get started. Get your copy of Every Word today. Click the link to complete your order on Amazon.


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