Thoughts For Young Ladies: Fatherly Wisdom for a Faithful Generation

Thoughts for Young Ladies – Fatherly Wisdom for a Faithful Generation

We live in an age and a culture that’s always searching for something new. Often, that search includes laying aside or ignoring the beautiful things of the past.

Nearly 150 years ago, J.C. Ryle wrote the little book, Thoughts for Young Men. Based on his years of faithful ministry as a pastor, Thoughts for Young Men speaks in simple language to many of the profound and complex issues uniquely experienced by young men.

That book is as relevant today as it was all those years ago. It is timeless.

In Thoughts for Young Ladies, I am seeking to harness Ryle’s simple, straightforward, biblical wisdom and direct it towards many of the concerns I’ve seen in the lives of my daughters and their friends.

This book is written to young ladies. You won’t find lots of big words that need to be deciphered with a Greek dictionary. What you will find is timely examples used to illustrate timeless biblical principles drawn directly from the text of Scripture.

This book is written for young ladies. More specifically, it is written to Christian young ladies who need gospel-centered encouragement, advice, guidance, and correction on the real struggles they face growing up.

But maybe you’re asking, “Who are you and what makes you an expert on young women?”

That’s a fair question.

I’m no expert. But I am a husband and father with an open and well-studied Bible. I have five daughters (two of them now adults) and two sons. Add to that their countless friends, many of whom who’ve made my house their home from time-to-time. In the military, we call this “field experience.” I may not have a degree in psychology or sociology, but my wife and I raised and are raising happy, healthy, well-adjusted Christian children.

I haven’t seen everything. But I’ve seen quite a bit. And I’d like to share what I’ve learned with you.

Grab your copy of Thoughts for Young Ladies today!

About the Author

Greg Churchley and his wife Alyssa are blessed with five daughters and two sons. With commitment to the declaration of the gospel of Jesus Christ and a passion for discipleship, he has faithfully written, taught, and preached in the local church for many years. Now, in his first published work, he focuses on equipping and encouraging a faithful generation of young ladies as they prepare for a life in Christ.

Greg is also a team member on The Exalted Christ’s One Accord Podcast. You can listen to the podcast here or on our YouTube page.

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