The Forgotten Officer: Restoring the Fullness of God’s Design

Here’s What The Kingdom of Darkness Doesn’t Want You to Know about Church Leadership.

My name is Joe Kohler and I’m one of the co-founders of

I currently serve as the pastor of Howell Bible Church, which we helped plant in 2014. I have served in full-time Christian leadership in both the local church and non-profit parachurch ministry contexts since 2010.

While I’m sure that there are plenty of more gifted and more talented church leaders than me, I am even more confident that God’s forgotten plan for church leadership is far better than our modern leadership structures which are prominently featured in almost every local church today.

I resigned from my first pastoral role in order to start a non-profit, parachurch organization with a ministry partner and to start a new church plant.

Our purpose in ministry was to raise awareness of an important, yet often forgotten or re-defined, church officer. We also sought to help local churches to grow their evangelism ministry within their local church context. All of this while also serving as the full-time overseers of a new local church.

Over a period of three and a half years, my ministry partner and I knocked on a lot of church doors to meet with local church pastors. We sent out a ton of mail to every local church within driving range. We made cold calls. We reached out to all of our friends and colleagues.

We taught seminars. We preached wherever we were invited, ranging from stand-alone sermons up to an eight-week teaching series. We taught evangelism classes. We made presentations in local churches and other Christian organizations.

We did all of this for FREE. We never charged a fee for our ministry services because we were funded completely by like-minded Christians who desired for us to be able to freely offer these services without charging fees. Christians who saw the benefit of this ministry wanted others to have access to it without cost.

During this same period, we were very active in our own personal evangelism. We went out with a group in our own area at a minimum of twice a week to proclaim the gospel. We also planned and participated in witnessing trips to other places and events where we could join up with other brothers and sisters in Christ to proclaim the gospel together in unity with them.

All in all, we talked with a TON of local church leaders across denominational lines. We also noticed a pattern in the way these conversations would go. We noticed that our experiences were shared by these other Christians we met up with who fellowshipped in different areas of the country.

Here’s what we noticed:

  • Virtually every leader we talked with would admit that their local church could grow in their evangelism efforts.

  • Where evangelism was practiced, it was almost never more than a few people here and there. That is, only a small percentage of the local fellowship.

  • While many different programs, events, and strategies had been used to try to equip and motivate Christians to evangelize more effectively and more often, the one thing these various means and methods all shared was that their results were, at best, temporary and short-lived.

Our ministry existed to present the biblical solution to these problems. We were promoting a solution that we had put into practice in our own local church setting and then again in our new church plant. The results we were seeing were radically different because we were operating in a design that God gave which has been largely forgotten in the modern day.

After having the same conversation over and over, we decided it would be best to write out our biblical case in a book. That book is the one offered on this page: The Forgotten Officer: Restoring the Fullness of God’s Design.

This book exposes the error and unbiblical nature of our modern church leadership structures. It also explains these related questions:

  • Why are so many people disappointed with their church experiences?

  • Why do so many outsiders view the church as irrelevant?

  • Why do so many hop from one church to the next looking for fulfillment? Or longing to be “fed”?

  • Why are so many professing Christians beginning to seek a form of Christian experience that no longer needs any connection with the organized church?

If you’re reading this page, you’ve likely experienced these same things to some degree.

Maybe you’ve seen leadership attempt to drum up excitement in the ministry of evangelism only to see the excitement fade within a few weeks or months.

Maybe you’ve approached leadership to try and encourage more training and teaching on evangelism only to be told that there are other ministries that need to be prioritized first.

Perhaps you’ve even been rebuked or corrected for spending so much time trying to reach the lost and have become discouraged with the local church altogether.

If you’ve experienced these things, you’re not alone. There is a systemic problem in the modern church that has gone undiagnosed for too long.

Until now.

Learn why. More importantly, learn what we can do about it in The Forgotten Officer: Restoring the Fullness of God’s Design. Click the link below to get your copy from Amazon today.

What Do You Get in The Forgotten Officer?

Inside you will learn:

  • The fullness God desires for His church doesn’t happen by accident. It happens by design.

  • A sketch of the history of God’s people inheriting problems from the previous generation and our need to seek to reform and bring about revival in every generation.

  • A theology of the Church.

    • What is the church?

    • Who does the church exist for?

    • More importantly, what the church is NOT.

  • An overview of the churches the Apostle Paul planted.

    • Their foundation and leadership.

    • Their power and potency.

    • Why they were so much more powerful and transformative than what we see today.

  • The Program of God

    • What is it?

    • Why is our modern focus on “programs” so problematic?

  • The most important motivator: The Love of God.

  • Identifying the missing leadership role and function which unlocks the solution.

  • A biblical discussion and refutation of the most common objections and views.

  • The biblical model of Church leadership that Christ gave for His bride, the church.

  • SPECIAL BONUS: Also included are five testimonies from Christians just like you who have experienced the blessing of walking in the fullness of God’s design!

Take Action Today

This book, The Forgotten Officer, is not a limited time offer. You won’t get a special deal if you act now. I don’t want you to be pressured into thinking you should learn about this important truth because of some manufactured sales ploy.

I want you to take action today and learn this truth for the sake of Christ and His church. That’s why.

The truth is that our modern systems have collectively drifted away from God’s blueprint for growing the Body of Christ up into full maturity and attaining the fullness that He designed. We have inherited a leadership model that is more influenced by pagan practices, pragmatism, and capitalism than it is by the Scriptures.

This cultural inheritance is extremely powerful. It has resulted in a contemporary blind spot on a biblical truth of critical importance. It has led to our modern failure to properly recognize, receive, and appreciate a gift given by Jesus to His bride.

Something is missing. We can feel it. And while many attempt to put their finger on the problem, they drift from one extreme to another, constantly chasing the wind.

This is the bad news.

The good news is that reform is possible. God doesn’t want us to grope about in the darkness. He has told us what is right. Are we willing to listen to Him and walk in His ways? Or will we persist in walking in our own ways and doing what is right in our own eyes?

Learn what has been forgotten. Rediscover the fullness of God’s design for His church.

Get your copy of The Forgotten Officer today. Click the link below to complete your purchase on Amazon.


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